S2019: CS550: Massive Data Mining and Learning, Course Website
Graduate lectures for Massive Data Mining and Machine Learning algorithms, systems, and applications.
F2018: CS672: Computational Economics for Data Analytics, Course Website
Graduate seminar for interdisciplinary machine learning and economic topics in online economy and applications.
S2018: CS550: Massive Data Mining and Learning, Course Website
Graduate lectures for Massive Data Mining and Machine Learning algorithms, systems, and applications.
F2017: COMP4040: Analysis of Algorithms, Course Website
Undergraduate lectures for Algorithms, Data Structures, Time and Space Complexity Analysis. Course Evaluation
S2017: 691RS: Introduction to Recommender Systems, Course Website
Graduate seminar for Recommender Systems research and application topics. Course Evaluation
Classes in Chronological Order
Graduate lectures for Massive Data Mining and Machine Learning algorithms, systems, and applications.
Graduate seminar for interdisciplinary machine learning and economic topics in online economy and applications.
Graduate lectures for Massive Data Mining and Machine Learning algorithms, systems, and applications.
Undergraduate lectures for Algorithms, Data Structures, Time and Space Complexity Analysis.
Course Evaluation
Graduate seminar for Recommender Systems research and application topics.
Course Evaluation